Developing Leaders

What does it mean to be a leader? 
"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves".
Eleanor Roosevelt

  A leader influences others and has impact on people’s lives; sometimes by their mere presence in a room. They inspire and motivate, they contain and support, they question and doubt, they reflect and respond and they continue in the face of challenge and adversity. The list of attributes that a leader must have is a long and endless one. To be all these things can sometimes feel like an impossible and unobtainable task. Yet leading others remains the most fulfilling, rewarding and joyous way to live and work.

It is however crucial, that we set leaders up for success and that we don’t assume any of these skills will come instinctively and consistently. Every person can be a leader. Every person is a leader. However, every leader needs to have the space and opportunity to seek support and challenge, to pause and reflect, to risk failure safely, to celebrate, to consolidate and simply breathe!

Coaching, mentoring and training allows leaders an opportunity to deconstruct what being a leader means. It provides opportunity to connect with one’s values and to refine one’s aims and vision. In provides opportunities to formulate and achieve goals. Once we have this enhanced understanding of ourselves, others and our context we can understand and overcome obstacles, create deep connections and drive through progress, change and innovation. 


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